25 februarie 2008

OSCAR 2008

Cel mai bun film: "Atonement"; "Juno"; "Michael Clayton"; "No Country for Old Men"; "There Will Be Blood".

Cel mai bun regizor: "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" - Julian Schnabel; "Juno" - Jason Reitman; "Michael Clayton" - Tony Gilroy; "No Country for Old Men" - Joel Coen si Ethan Coen; "There Will Be Blood" - Paul Thomas Anderson.

Cel mai bun actor în rol principal: Daniel Day-Lewis - "There Will Be Blood"; George Clooney - "Michael Clayton"; Johnny Depp - "Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street"; Tommy Lee Jones - "In the Valley of Elah"; Viggo Mortensen - "Eastern Promises".

Cel mai bun scenariu original: "Juno"; "Lars and the Real Girl"; "Michael Clayton"; "Ratatouille"; "The Savages".

Cel mai bun documentar
: "No End in Sight"; "Operation Homecoming: Writing the Wartime Experience"; "Sicko"; "Taxi to the Dark Side"; "War/Dance".

Cel mai bun documentar - scurtmetraj
: "Freeheld"; "La Corona"; "Salim Baba"; "Sari's Mother".

Cea mai bună coloană sonoră: "Atonement"; "The Kite Runner"; "Michael Clayton"; "Ratatouille"; "3:10 to Yuma".

Cea mai bună imagine
: "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford"; "Atonement"; "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly"; "No Country for Old Men"; "There Will Be Blood".

Cel mai bun film străin
: "Beaufort" ( Israel ); "The Counterfeiters" ( Austria ); "Katyn" ( Polonia ); "Mongol" ( Kazakhstan ); "12" ( Rusia ).

Cel mai bun montaj
: "The Bourne Ultimatum"; "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly"; "Into the Wild"; "No Country for Old Men"; "There Will Be Blood".

Cea mai bună actriţă în rol principal:
Cate Blanchett - "Elizabeth: The Golden Age"; Julie Christie - "Away from Her"; Marion Cotillard - "La Vie en Rose"; Laura Linney - "The Savages"; Ellen Page - "Juno".

Cel mai bun scenariu adaptat
: "Atonement"; "Away from Her"; "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly"; "No Country for Old Men"; "There Will Be Blood".

Cea mai bună actriţă în rol secundar: Cate Blanchett - "I'm Not There"; Ruby Dee - "American Gangster"; Saoirse Ronan - "Atonement"; Amy Ryan - "Gone Baby Gone"; Tilda Swinton - "Michael Clayton".

Cel mai bun scurtmetraj: "At Night"; "Il Supplente (The Substitute)"; "Le Mozart des Pickpockets"; "Tanghi Argentini"; "The Tonto Woman".

Cel mai bun actor in rol secundar
: Casey Affleck - "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford"; Javier Bardem - "No Country for Old Men"; Philip Seymour Hoffman - "Charlie Wilson's War"; Hal Holbrook - "Into the Wild"; Tom Wilkinson - "Michael Clayton".

Cea mai bună regie artistică: "American Gangster"; "Atonement", "The Golden Compass"; "Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street"; "There Will Be Blood".

Cele mai bune costume
: "Across the Universe"; "Atonement"; "Elizabeth: The Golden Age"; "La Vie en Rose"; "Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street".

Cel mai bun film de animaţie: "Persepolis"; "Ratatouille"; "Surf's Up".

Mai multe despre a 80-a editie a premiilor Oscar cititi aici.

23 februarie 2008

Asasinarea lui Jesse James de catre lasul Robert Ford

Asasinarea lui Jesse James
(2007, r. Andrew Dominik) nu este un film plin de locuri comune despre unul dintre haiducii de soi ai Americii. Este un film meditativ, cu cadre lungi, uneori fara cuvinte, insotit numai de insinuanta muzica a lui Nick Cave. Dar ce cauta astfel de momente in povestea legendarului facator de rele?

Desi incepe cu un clasic jaf asupra unui tren, povestea "deviaza" in altceva, si anume in filmul retragerii spre moarte a celebrului bandit. Pelicula nu prezinta o insiruire de fapte care sa duca fatalmente la uciderea lui Jesse, ci o insiruire de infruntari intre eroul cu privirea taioasa si propria constiinta, pe de o parte, si erou cu banda sa pe de alta. Peisajele introspective angoasante se suprapun peste cele fizice, de o inmarmuritoare frumusete.

Este o antiepopee cu suflu contemporan despre felul in care Jesse James simte tradarea camarazilor si actioneaza. Nu prin comiterea de alte jafuri, ci printr-un atac lent, torturant, obsedant si fatal asupra fostilor "frati de sange". Propria sa moarte in schimb este una eliberatoare, pe care o simte si o lasa sa se apropie. Premonitia propriei morti aminteste de viziunea Adei Monroe, personajul interpretat de Nicole Kidman in Cold Mountain (r. Anthony Mingella).

Regizorul Andrew Dominik pare sa stie foarte bine cum sa creeze si sa sustina asteptarea anuntata in titlu. Brad Pitt, din ce in ce mai matur, cu o tehnica din ce in ce mai subtila, face inca o data dovada faptului ca este mult mai mult decat baiatul frumos al Hollywoodului.

Dupa genericul final, ne dainuie in minte cantecul ramas in folclorul de peste Atlantic, asemanator intrucatva baladelor tragico-ironice din folclorul mahalalei autohtone:

Jesse James was a lad that killed many a man,
He robbed the Glendale train,
He stole from the rich and he gave to the poor,
He'd a hand and a heart and a brain.

Well it was Robert Ford, that dirty little coward,
I wonder how he feel,
For he ate of Jesse's bread and he slept in Jesse's bed,
And he laid poor Jesse in his grave.

Well Jesse had a wife to mourn for his life
Three children now they were brave
Well that dirty little coward that shot Mr. Howard
He laid poor Jesse in his grave

Jesse was a man, a friend to the poor,
He'd never rob a mother or a child
There never was a man with the law in his hand
That could take Jesse James alive

It was on a Saturday night and the moon was shining bright,
They robbed the Glendale train,
And people they did say o'er many miles away
It was those outlaws, they're Frank and Jesse James...

Cititi mai multe aici, merita!

22 februarie 2008


O comedie reusita (2004, r. Richard Loncraine), care ar fi avut toate datele sa esueze lamentabil. Cu Kirsten Dunst si Paul Bettany. Pe HBO.